Postdoc position Schumacher Lab






Institute for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease

CECAD-Cluster of Excellence in Aging Research, University of Cologne


Institution information: Institute for Genome Stability in Aging and Disease, CECAD Research Center, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Location: Cologne is a vibrant city with a highly international academic research environment. CECAD forms a focal point of aging research in Europe.

Summary: The maintenance of the genome is essential for the functioning of the organismand for genetic inheritance. In the soma, DNA damage drives the aging process bycompromising cellular functions and gives rise to mutations the can cause cancer. DNA damage in germ cells can compromise fertility, while germline mutations can be fixed leading to genetic disorders and impacts genome evolution. We are investigating how genome instability drives somatic aging and affects reproduction. We thrive to generate new knowledge on the fundamental role of DNA repair and the damage response in organismal health and genetic inheritance.

Job description: We are seeking highly motivated Postdoc candidates who are interested in investigating the fundamental role of DNA damage in aging and how inheritance of stable genomes is regulated. We are using both genetic and computational approaches primarily in the C. elegans but also in mammalian systems to investigate the molecular basis of aging and inheritance.

Qualification: Applicants should have a PhD degree and a solid background in molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, or bioinformatics.

How to Apply: Please send 1. CV, 2. letter of intent, 3. list of publications, 4. names and addresses of three references to bjoern.schumacher[at]

Selected Publications (Full list at

Bujarrabal A, Sendtner G, Meyer DH, Chatzinikolaou G, Stratigi G, Garinis G, Schumacher B. The DREAM complex functions as conserved master regulator of somatic DNA repair capacities. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2023 Apr;30(4):475–488.

Wang S, Meyer D, Schumacher B. Inheritance of paternal DNA damage by linker histone-mediated repair restriction. Nature. 2023 Jan;613(7943):365-374.

Soltanmohammadi N, Wang S, Schumacher B. Somatic PMK-1/p38 signaling links environmental stress to germ cell apoptosis and heritable euploidy. Nat Commun. 2022 Feb 4;13(1):701.

Schumacher B, Pothof J, Vijg J, Hoeijmakers JHJ. The central role of DNA damage in the ageing process. Nature. 2021 Apr;592(7856):695-703.

Meyer DH, Schumacher B. BiT age: A transcriptome based aging clock near the theoretical limit of accuracy. Aging Cell. 2021 Mar;20(3):e13320.

Wang S, Meyer DH, Schumacher, B. H3K4me2 regulates the recovery of protein biosynthesis and homeostasis following DNA damage. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2020.

Mueller M*, Castells-Roca L*, Babu V, Ermolaeva MA, Müller RU, Frommolt P, Williams AB, Greiss S, Schneider JI, Benzing T, Schermer B, Schumacher B. DAF-16/FoxO and EGL-27/GATA promote developmental growth in response to persistent somatic DNA damage. Nat Cell Biol. 2014 Nov 24:16(12):1168–1179. (*equal contribution)

Ermolaeva MA, Segref A, Dakhovnik A, Ou HL, Schneider JI, Utermöhlen O, Hoppe T, Schumacher B. DNA damage in germ cells induces an innate immune response that triggers systemic stress resistance. Nature. 2013 Sep 19;501(7467):416-20.

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