The Cdkn1aSUPER mouse as a novel tool to study p53-mediated tumor suppression.


Torgovnick A#, Heger JM, Liaki V, Isensee J, Schmitt A, Knittel G, Riabinska A, Beleggia F, Laurien L, Leeser U, Jüngst C, Siedek F, Vogel W, Klümper N, Nolte H, Wittersheim M, Tharun L, Castiglione R, Krüger M, Schauss A, Perner S, Pasparakis M, Büttner R, Persigehl T, Hucho T, Herter-Sprie GS, Schumacher B#, Reinhardt HC#.
The Cdkn1aSUPER mouse as a novel tool to study p53-mediated tumor suppression.
Cell Rep. 2018 Oct 23;25(4), 1027-1039. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.09.079
(#co-corresponding authors)

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