Schumacher Lab Publications

DNA-Reparatur und Alterung

Schumacher B
DNA-Reparatur und Alterung
Medgen. 2012; 24: 289-296

AATF/Che-1 acts as a phosphorylation-dependent molecular modulator to repressp53-driven apoptosis.

Höpker K, Hagmann H, Khurshid S, Chen S, Hasskamp P, Seeger-Nukpezah T, Schilberg K, Heukamp L, Lamkemeyer T, Sos ML, Thomas RK, Lowery D, Roels F, Fischer M, Liebau MC, Resch U, Kisner T, Röther F, Bartram MP, Ulrich Müller R, Fabretti F, Kurschat P, Schumacher B, Gaestel M, Medema RH, Yaffe MB, Schermer B, Christian Reinhardt H, Benzing T
AATF/Che-1 acts as a phosphorylation-dependent molecular modulator to repressp53-driven apoptosis.
EMBO J. 2012 Aug 21.

The p53 network: Cellular and systemic DNA damage responses in aging and cancer.

Reinhardt HC, Schumacher B
The p53 network: Cellular and systemic DNA damage responses in aging and cancer.
Trends Genet. 2012 Mar;28(3):128-36.

Neural sirtuin 6 (Sirt6) ablation attenuates somatic growth and causes obesity.

Schwer B, Schumacher B, Lombard DB, Xiao C, Kurtev MV, Gao J, Schneider JI, Chai H, Bronson RT, Tsai LH, Deng CX, Alt FW.
Neural sirtuin 6 (Sirt6) ablation attenuates somatic growth and causes obesity.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Nov 22.

Next Generation Sequencing of miRNAs Strategies, Resources and Methods.

Motameny S, Wolters S, Nürnberg P, Schumacher B.
Next Generation Sequencing of miRNAs Strategies, Resources and Methods.
Genes. 2010; 1(1):70-84.

Involvement of global genome repair, transcription coupled repair, and chromatin remodeling in UV DNA damage response changes during development.

Lans H, Marteijn JA, Schumacher B, Hoeijmakers JH, Jansen G, Vermeulen W.
Involvement of global genome repair, transcription coupled repair, and chromatin remodeling in UV DNA damage response changes during development.
PLoS Genet. 2010 May 6;6:e1000941.

Transcription-blocking DNA damage in aging: a mechanism for hormesis.

Schumacher B
Transcription-blocking DNA damage in aging: a mechanism for hormesis.
Bioessays. 2009 Dec;31(12):1347-56.

Transcription-blocking DNA damage in aging and longevity.

Garinis GA, Schumacher B
Transcription-blocking DNA damage in aging and longevity.
Cell Cycle. 2009 Jul 20;8(14).

Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity.

Garinis GA, Uittenboogaard LM, Stachelscheid H, Fousteri M, van Ijcken W, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Mullenders LHF, van der Horst GTJ, Brüning JC, Niessen CM, Hoeijmakers JHJ and Schumacher B
Persistent transcription-blocking DNA lesions trigger somatic growth attenuation associated with longevity.
Nature Cell Biol. 2009 May;11(5):604-15.

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