Schumacher Lab Publications

Age to survive: DNA damage and aging.

Schumacher B, Garinis G, Hoeijmakers J
Age to survive: DNA damage and aging.
Trends Genet. 2008 Feb;24(2):77-85

"The molecular basis of aging": the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 95th International Titisee Conference.

Garinis G, Patil C, Schumacher B
"The molecular basis of aging": the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 95th International Titisee Conference.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 Jul-Aug;128(7-8):469-75.

Translational regulation of p53 as a potential tumor therapy target.

Schumacher B & Gartner A
Translational regulation of p53 as a potential tumor therapy target.
Future Oncology, 2006;2(1):145-153.

Translational Repression of C. elegans p53 by GLD-1 regulates DNA damage induced apoptosis

Schumacher B, Hanazawa M, Lee M, Nayak S, Volkmann K, Hofmann R,
Hengartner M, Schedl T, Gartner A
Translational Repression of C. elegans p53 by GLD-1 regulates DNA damage induced
Cell, 11 February 2005; 120: 357-368.

C. elegans ced-13 can promote apoptosis and is induced in response to DNA damage.

Schumacher B, Schertel C, Wittenburg N, Tuck S, Mitani S, Gartner A, Conradt B,
Shaham S
C. elegans ced-13 can promote apoptosis and is induced in response to DNA damage.
Cell Death Differ. 2005 Feb;12(2):153-61

Cell cycle: check for asynchrony.

Schumacher B, Alpi A, Gartner A
Cell cycle: check for asynchrony.
Curr Biol. 2003 Jul 15;13(14):R560-2.

Promgrammed cell death in C. elegans.

Gartner A, Alpi A, Schumacher B
Promgrammed cell death in C. elegans.
Genetics of Apoptosis, Grimm S (ed.), BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited, 2003, 155-

The C. elegans homolog of the p53 tumor suppressor is required for DNA damage- induced apoptosis.

Schumacher B, Hofmann K, Boulton S, Gartner A
The C. elegans homolog of the p53 tumor suppressor is required for DNA damage-
induced apoptosis.
Curr Biol. 2001 Oct 30;11(21):1722-7

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