Schumacher Lab Publications

Sealing the gap between nuclear DNA damage and longevity.

Schumacher B, Hoeijmakers JH, Garinis GA
Sealing the gap between nuclear DNA damage and longevity.
Cell Endocrinol. 2009 Feb 5;299(1):112-7. Epub 2008 Nov 5.

Delayed and accelerated aging share common longevity assurance mechanisms.

Schumacher B, van der Pluijm I, Moorhouse MJ, Rasile Robinson A, Suh Y, Breit TM, van Steeg H, Niedernhofer LJ, van Ijcken W, Bartke A, Spindler SR, Hoeijmakers JHJ, van der Horst GTJ and Garinis GA
Delayed and accelerated aging share common longevity assurance mechanisms.
PLoS Genet. 2008 Aug 15;4(8):e1000161.

Transcriptional profiling in C. elegans cep-1/p53 dependent apoptosis as a primordial function of p53 like genes.

Greiss S#, Schumacher B#, Grandien K, Rothblatt J and Gartner A
Transcriptional profiling in C. elegans cep-1/p53 dependent apoptosis as a primordial function of p53 like genes.
BMC Genomics. 2008 Jul 15;9(1):334.

Age to survive: DNA damage and aging.

Schumacher B, Garinis G, Hoeijmakers J
Age to survive: DNA damage and aging.
Trends Genet. 2008 Feb;24(2):77-85

"The molecular basis of aging": the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 95th International Titisee Conference.

Garinis G, Patil C, Schumacher B
"The molecular basis of aging": the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds 95th International Titisee Conference.
Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 Jul-Aug;128(7-8):469-75.

Translational regulation of p53 as a potential tumor therapy target.

Schumacher B & Gartner A
Translational regulation of p53 as a potential tumor therapy target.
Future Oncology, 2006;2(1):145-153.

Translational Repression of C. elegans p53 by GLD-1 regulates DNA damage induced apoptosis

Schumacher B, Hanazawa M, Lee M, Nayak S, Volkmann K, Hofmann R,
Hengartner M, Schedl T, Gartner A
Translational Repression of C. elegans p53 by GLD-1 regulates DNA damage induced
Cell, 11 February 2005; 120: 357-368.

C. elegans ced-13 can promote apoptosis and is induced in response to DNA damage.

Schumacher B, Schertel C, Wittenburg N, Tuck S, Mitani S, Gartner A, Conradt B,
Shaham S
C. elegans ced-13 can promote apoptosis and is induced in response to DNA damage.
Cell Death Differ. 2005 Feb;12(2):153-61

Cell cycle: check for asynchrony.

Schumacher B, Alpi A, Gartner A
Cell cycle: check for asynchrony.
Curr Biol. 2003 Jul 15;13(14):R560-2.

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